ENERGY SISTEM Car Transmitter FM Black
Pretvorite svoj FM radio u MP3 plejer i napunite svoj pametni telefonMP3 plejer sa FM predajnikom Uživajte u muzici na radiju vašeg automobila sa multikonekcijom. Ima plejer microSD kartice, USB MP3 plejer i drugi USB port za punjenje uređaja.

Play your music using the car radio


Tune in to a free FM station on your car radio and enjoy the music stored on your devices.


Play your music using the car radio

A fully charged battery at all times


Use the USB port to charge your smartphone’s battery while driving and stay connected.


A fully charged battery at all times
Play music stored on USB sticks

Play music stored on USB sticks


The USB port makes it possible to use it as an MP3 player.


Play music stored on USB sticks

MicroSD playback


Store your songs on a microSD card and insert it into the Energy Car Transmitter slot.


MicroSD playback

ENERGY SISTEM Car Transmitter FM Black

Šifra proizvoda: 8432426448241

🔑 Prijavi se da vidiš cijene

16.5 KM


Brza dostava

63 Na stanju
Pretvorite svoj FM radio u MP3 plejer i napunite svoj pametni telefonMP3 plejer sa FM predajnikom Uživajte u muzici na radiju vašeg automobila sa multikonekcijom. Ima plejer microSD kartice, USB MP3 plejer i drugi USB port za punjenje uređaja.

Play your music using the car radio


Tune in to a free FM station on your car radio and enjoy the music stored on your devices.


Play your music using the car radio

A fully charged battery at all times


Use the USB port to charge your smartphone’s battery while driving and stay connected.


A fully charged battery at all times
Play music stored on USB sticks

Play music stored on USB sticks


The USB port makes it possible to use it as an MP3 player.


Play music stored on USB sticks

MicroSD playback


Store your songs on a microSD card and insert it into the Energy Car Transmitter slot.


MicroSD playback

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